The American State Nationalist believe that they are “returning the Nation to its GLORY…as “sovereign independent States”. Then for some stupid reason…they think that they are “sovereign” based on the actions of “their Fathers”…over 247 years ago. Those that formed the United States…the “formers”…put them all into debt and its never been paid. They operate in bankruptcy and then pretend that there’s such a thing as “a Bankrupt sovereign”. (what a joke)


Neither of these groups understand the simple definition of the words: Republic, Suzerainty, or Federalism.

Each word makes them all “subjects”. Here are the definitions from national and international law. In addition; To show exactly what the Formers of the United States understood about Republics.

John Adams and crew….”They” were not “founders” or “founding fathers”. They were “formers” of a National Republic that controlled PLEBIANS and Slaves.

That word: FATHER is nothing more than a Propaganda MIND-JOB and utter bullshit. John Adams despised the common man; and in their deliberations about “Voting”; George Mason said…’to give the common man the right to vote is the same as giving a blind man a choice of colors”.

This is why “They” DID IT FOR THEMSELVES…and Their Posterity and not everyone else…including their Indentured Servants, Slaves, and other British Subjects (who were not members of their Mason Club)

Definition: federal


fĕd′ər-əl, fĕd′rəl

  1. Of, relating to, or being a form of government in which a union of states recognizes the sovereignty of a central authority while retaining certain residual powers of government.
  2. Of or constituting a form of government in which sovereign power is divided between a central authority and a number of constituent political units.
Definition: suzerain


soo’zer-an, -zə-rān″

A nation that controls another nation in international affairs
but allows it domestic sovereignty.

  1. : a superior feudal lord to whom fealty is due : OVERLORD
  2. : a dominant state controlling the foreign relations of a vassal state but allowing it sovereign authority in its internal affairs

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